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Why the Starbucks Union Drive Matters for All Workers
Posted On: Feb 22, 2022
Feb. 22, 2022 | ORGANIZING CAMPAIGNS | The Starbucks union drive is the most exciting new organizing campaign in the United States. A mere two months after two Starbucks locations in Buffalo, New York, voted to become the first unionized corporate-operated Starbucks in the country, the unionization push shows no signs of slowing down: more than ninety stores in twenty-six states have now filed for National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) union elections. That’s good since it has a long way to go at a coffee giant that in the United States alone operates nearly nine thousand stores employing some 230,000 people… A union at Starbucks can’t substitute for stronger contracts and new or revitalized unions elsewhere. But it puts unionization on the mental map for more workers … Jacobin
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